What is the difference between Google and Google Academic? - Everything you need to know

Searching for information on the Internet, you have probably come across Google and Google Scholar.

Although both search engines are designed to help you find what you're looking for, There are some key differences between the two.

In this guide, we will explain what Google and Google Academic are, what they are for, and the difference between the two tools.

Table of Contents
  1. What is Google? What is it for?
  2. What is a Google Scholar? What is it for?
    1. How does Google Expert work?
    2. Is Google Academic Google for students?
  3. Google or Google Scholar: which one to use? Advantages, disadvantages, common uses
    1. What can't be found on Google Academic, but can be found on Google?
  4. Conclusion

What is Google? What is it for?

Google is a popular search engine that allows you to Find and access web pages, images, videos and more. Millions of people use it every day to research topics, search for information, and even shop online.

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What is a Google Scholar? What is it for?

Google expert is an alternative version of the original Google search engine that focuses on academic content such as journal articles, books, conference reports and more.

It can be used in various ways as an aid research topics, find relevant bibliography, and even conduct academic searches.

How does Google Expert work?

Google Scholar uses algorithms to search and index academic literature from various sources. This includes peer-reviewed articles, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from universities and other research institutions.

When you type a query into Google Scholar, you'll get results from a variety of sources, including databases like the following:

  • Academic databases like JSTOR, PubMed, Web of Science and others.
  • Institutions like universities and research centers.
  • Publisher's website.
  • Preprint repositories such as arXiv.
  • Digital libraries such as Project Gutenberg and HathiTrust.

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Is Google Academic Google for students?

Yes, Google Academic is Google for students.

It provides access to a large number of academic articles, documents, books and other academic content that may be useful research topics or find information related to one's field of study.

Google or Google Scholar: which one to use? Advantages, disadvantages, common uses

Google is the best option to perform quick and simple searches that do not require great depth. Google can quickly find relevant web pages, images, videos and more with just a few clicks.

However, It does not provide access to academic content such as journal articles or research papers.

Google Scholar, on the other hand, offers access a large number of scientific articles, books and other academic content. It is particularly useful for in-depth research on topics or searching for specific information related to your field of study.

Google Scholar also offers some additional tools, such as the ability to save and organize results, set alerts and search by keywords. However, this may take longer and may offer more irrelevant results than Google.

Depending on the type of search you are doing, Google or Google Scholar They can be a useful tool. It's important to decide which one best suits your needs before you start your search.

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What can't be found on Google Academic, but can be found on Google?

Google Scholar focuses on academic content such as journal articles, books and conference reports, while Google can quickly find web pages, images, videos, content and some non-academic articles.

Additionally, Google may provide access to social media posts and other content that may not be available through Google Scholar.


Both services, Google and Google Academic, are used to search the full text of the web, but in G Academic, you will find a site that is more focused on results for students.

Providing access to a large number of scholarly articles, books and other academic content that may be useful for researching topics or finding information related to your own field of study.

Depending on the type of search you are doing, Google or Google Scholar can be a useful tool.

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